L&S Gifford
L&S Gifford is one of our main local suppliers. We know that Edwin supplies only the best produce and we have a great working relationship with him, meaning that he can advise us on what is in season and what will be right for our menus and specials. John and Ross even took a day out of the kitchen to go and visit the farm. They saw first hand the passion and love that Edwin and his family have for their livestock and vegetables. It also gave the guys a better insight into how the the food chain works.

Edwins cow's taking a dip

Quality rooster potatoes ready for chips, mash and so much more
The facts
Distance from No88
2.8 miles
What produce is supplied
Beef, Lamb, Pork, Eggs, Potatoes, Neeps, Herbs
What the produce is used for
Edwin's produce forms the back bone of No88, from the 9hr braised lamb and beef that is a constant on our menu to the Tomahawk Steak special and the chips that go alongside many of our dishes, not to mention the eggs that we make the mayo for our signature tartar sauce with. Edwin also supplies pork that we use for specials and sausages that we have for our kids menu.